Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Sunday, August 03, 2008

CheckMate :::: 50 Bought the rights to his Ex's life story

I am now coming to terms with the fact that their is so little that I know in this world. The possibilities and what not. I tell you this when I hit the bank, I am getting me some kick ass lawyers to represent me.

All there is to it, is that he has one smart legal team behind him. 50 Cent is a genius! A madman! Whatever you wish to call him, but you can't call him naive, that's for sure.

This dude purchased the rights to the idea that the mother of his 11 year old son, may get it in her head to pen a tell all. Enough said! Source.

Now that is playing the music!