Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just Snippets :::: Entourage

I needed to stick my head in and offer up something easy to share. With all that has taken place in the last two weeks, with the loss of Isaac Hayes and Bernie Mac, I had to find something soft and raw. What better place to look, other than Entourage!

So here is the best moments of Entourage. Enjoy your week and do not go to work looking as if you're someones favorite bar monkey.

Kanye West on Entourage (Includes Good Life Snippet)

Best of Ari Gold

Entourage - Johnny Drama's Best (Seasons 1 - 2)