Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Homage Blaxploitation with a bad taste in my mouth ::: Friday Foster

Make no mistake about it. Pam Grier is the reigning queen of 70's and no one tops her. She holds down the crown and many would like to have their hands on it. They may feign interest or pretend her taking off her top here and there is reason to doubt her acting. However that may be in their minds, they can not deny the beauty and the grace that she brought to her roles. With a tenacious hunger she worked hard to bring to us, an attractive, bombshell with sex appeal and a way with crappy lines.

Another addition to her collection of films is Friday Foster and it is a classic that has been overshadowed by her more popular film Foxy Brown. Friday Foster has a better supporting cast and it shows the slow evolution of the genres death into films with a little more plot and less jive.

IMDB synopsis :

Foster, an ex-model magazine photographer, goes to Los Angeles
International airport to photograph the arrival of Blake Tarr, the
richest black man in America. Three men attempt to assassinate Tarr.
Foster photographs the melee and is plunged into a web of conspiracy
involving the murder of her childhood friend, a US senator, and a
shadowy plan called "Black Widow".

Take a look for yourself and be your own judge I have to go put my bid in to get these on Blueray.