Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Short ::: Diary of aTired Black Man

This is a short starring Jimmy Jean -Louis of Heroes, that has some age on it. However its age, it maintains its relevance. Due to the issues in the African American community mainly among the women who become enraged when they find a black man with a white woman.

This disagreeing rage come from deep and must be explained and dealt with carefully and I an not going to do that here. However I would like to bring you the observations and the art that depict these moments.

Here is a piece of Allison Keyes Aritcle :::

First-time filmmaker Tim Alexander, who enjoys being provocative, says there's a disease out there that he calls the "angry black woman syndrome." He says it must be identified, diagnosed and treated.

Alexander believes African-American women who grew up in fatherless homes, hearing their aunts and grandmothers saying black men are no good — and hearing that opinion reinforced in the media — are now angry adult women.

"They grow up, deal with the wrong men, finally meet the right guy and don't know how to turn it off," Alexander says. "They are so used to fighting; it's the only way they know to have a relationship. So when a man is a good man, they think he's a punk."

Read the reast of what Allison Keyes has to say on this issue in her 2006 article titled Movie Clips Stirs Debate Over Black Relationships.