Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Movie to reconsider ::: Back In The Day

It seems in 2005 Ja-Rule was somewhere attempting a comeback as rapper. What he should have been focusing on was promoting this film. Not too many people caught wind of this film( unless you watch BET 24/7) , which should have had a wider audience.

My feelings towards this film is simple. Ving Rhames, is the undisputed champion or the world when it comes to acting chops. He has more range than steve Nash on fire, and Michael Phelps on Red Bull. ALongside him was Ja-Rule a budding actor with a bad rep in the music game. Talk about transfering the pain from one area to the other. It was well done for a full length feature film.

With that you end up with two actors playing off of one another until the final product is filled with realism and grit. Although I admit the production is lame, and the director did not have the vision to make this what it could have been. The lighting was not edgy enough and it did not match the mood they were aiming for. The editing was choppy, and the overal production was childs play. Underneath it all if you have the eyes to see, and are willing to remake this film you will end of with an epic story of what it is like growing up on the fence.

So I do recommend somone save this film from the bargain bin and obscurity.

Here is what the actor had to say when interviewed about his sex Scene with Fresh Prince of Bel-Air alum Tatyana Ali. "It's a little awkward. They try to keep it so you're as comfortable as possible, but even with closed sets it's still 10 people there. And Tatyana's mom and her aunt were there. It made my job a little harder."

The heat did not stop there, Ja Stated, "My wife didn't like that one. She wasn't there for the sex scene."

More on the films debut back in 2005
