Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

'Body of Lies' filled with truth

When you go to the movies you are supposed to be entertained and you should walk away feeling that you have learned something or that you are well entertained. As I am walking out the movies with my girl she leans over to whisper that the movie was not as good as she had hoped. Then I leaned in to say why are you whispering, as I said it with a smile I quickly changed back to what was concerning her with an answer. The dialogue that captured my attention in the film was the last scene which tied it all together. Now it is out of the norm for me to give you the end of a film, but it is one of those rare films in which you are able to get what you are looking for and it does not miss a beat.

So what is that line you ask? The last conversation between Ed Hoffman and Roger Ferris, to me tied together not only the movie but our western view of the Middle East.

Ed Hoffman: Ain't nobody likes the Middle East, buddy. There's nothing here to like.

Rogers response not only opened your thoughts that way of thinking but it also calls the world on its bull shit.

Roger Ferris: That is the problem right there!!!!

That exchange in dialogue not only tied the movie together but it answered my girlfriends statement which followed her question. Did the movie have a plot? I answered of course it it was a very intricate one. Although she asked the question because she felt that the movie did not have a point and it led nowhere. I think she was looking for the big bad ending and did not open her mind up to the fact that a movie like that has no end, but it has  a bridge to life. It is art in its rawest form and I applaud Ridley Scott for doing what needs to be done.

Now I would say head out and check the film out to get a sense of what I am talking about. Before you go just make sure you take someone that catches on quickly or you would be stuck answering the obvious, as I had to (sorry babe but sometime I think you head is in the sand.)

Body Of Lies Trailer


Did I mention this fine lady is in the movie? Nope so look her up and make sure that we get to see more of her here in the states, and lets pray that she is not typecast. I hate to see an actor limited by bullshit.

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