Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

HIP HOP - PIP POP :::: What Is The Next Stage?

As of late I have been having a rough time accepting a few things in the world of entertainment. Specifically of the Hip Hop Variety. I am a well educated person of the streets, or so I like to think. Many things capture my attention these days when it comes to the music genre. 

There are many Hip Hop artist out now. Whether it is by major label or they are pressing their independent works or having a mix tape flood their local scene. I have been let down time after time with the nonsense that is being called rap. I am cool with gangsta rap, I am cool with Back pack and I am cool with bubble gum. So my argument does not concern the genre as much as it does the quality. 

What happened to the lyrics? In the past 10 years I have witnessed the quality fall short of spectacular. I no longer see the art form growing as it should. What happened to the word play? Every thing seem simple and contrite as all possible. The vibe is gone. 

Rappers today are trying way to hard to have a persona and are forgetting about the lyrics. The only thing that keeps me listening is the beats. The production is way up, the lyrical content, you guessed it..way down. I prefer watching American idol two days in a row before buying another rap album.

I did not write this to name any names. However I hope that those who do come across this that have a career or plan on having one. To take the time out to rethink their approach. Don't let the record company sway you in to thinking without a brain, it is impossible to do. The end result is no thought equals no lyrics. It is that simple.

The record companies have drain the art out of Hip Hop. It is all sales now. Hip Hop is just PIP POP. Pop music, that claims it is real over heavy baselines. Mix tape rappers who consider themselves the toughest on their blocks may be the toughest on their block, but what about the world. You can not and will not run it all. Matter of fact, it is better to drop art, tell us what really going on in your mind and souls. I have heard a million and one song this years that consist of how many guns, women, dollars, and cars you have. I think it is time for something new.

Some may hate Mister Dress code for stepping out or MR. Team owner for stepping off and on the stage. You cant blame them or be mad at the growth in these individuals. The problems with the Hip Hop community stem from the problems in the hood. So of course the hood will buy anything that sounds tough, if they don't have any other options. Give the world variety and it will eventually take it as it is. 

So I dare the next decade of Hip Hop to be better. You have the year 2010 to begin the work, and to start a new era. This is a six month heads up. The world expects more and nothing less.

What is the next stage? No I am not saying for everyone to get on the vocoder or to make an EMO RAP Album, but I am saying take a cue from those who have taken the risk. Hip Hop is about fusion of the world around it. The problem is that it has gotten to cocky with itself and stop growing in the direction it began growing towards . Is it now too old to change its ways? Are you the next act to bring the change? Look around you, that is where Hip Hop is.