Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Saturday, May 02, 2009

Living In A Cave

It seems that I do not know anything else but my own thoughts. I can not seem to see past it. With my lady driving me crazy and work taking from me my soul. I am losing the grip on my persona. This is something that I can not allow to happen.

So as I am driving on my way home, I decided for once to turn on the lame ass choices we have for Phoenix, Arizona radio stations.

I am flying down the I-10, and a song catches my attention. As it is pulling me out of my funk, from a long day of politics and Bull Shit. I realize that there is a song that is taking me beyond where I want to be, at that very moment. However, it will not let go of me. So I turn the volume up higher.

I want to know who that is, so I prop my I phone up to the stereo. It showed me who it was an artist by the name of Cudi. Kid Cudi to be exact. I heard the name before, but I did not pay it any attention. Since I have been a little less impressed with the options that we have in Hip Hop. However this one song has allowed me back in, more so inviting me back in. Telling me that I can not stray far without suffering the pain of loss.

As it is stated in the title I have been living in a cave, a deep state of thoughts that did not allow me any social ability. Also it has caused me to drop in and out of this Blog with no respect to the readers that actually stopped in to show love from time to time.

The song that was playing is called 'Day and Night'. I can not believe that there is a song that was written and fills the exact level of thoughts that I contained in my mind. Although I am not a stoner or a smoker of any kind or a loner. This song has hit the spot, like a meal after a long journey on foot. You guys out there know what I am talking about. Act as if you do not.

Not to give a short Memoir. That is not what I am here for. I am here to give you this video. I am sure that you have heard it before. That song is about us the people that struggle. If you find your self in a cave. Listen to this song and realize that you are not alone and keep it moving.

So in saying all of that. I just want to leave you with the video and the proclamation that I think:

This song rocks. Simple as that.

Yes I have written about the dude before. So sue me!