JOHN ROCKINS UNIVERSITY has been brought into existence do to a silent demand for representation. A representation in the media of Ethnic American Films, music, books, and plays. Although this blog is not singular in a focus solely on Ethnic American art, it allows the reader to see that it fits into a full spectrum of works, across the entire industry.
With the exposure JRU's hopes to be a piece of a large pie. An integral part that can be shared at all tables involved and with all who take an interest in the art of our modern day as well as past, and leaping towards a greater future.
No longer should Americans or the America we love, have a split down the center. If in art that continues it will forever bring out the underlying mistrust, and misunderstanding that we face in reality.
I hope to bring all races together with this blog and to bring about a change within our work in the media as well as the art forms of entertainment that we love.
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