Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

The lost reels ::: She hate me

There are many films that grab you attention over time and many that leaves you high and dry with the feeling that you have wasted two hours of you time. Some films stay with your so long that you are unable to forget them, and some how end up replaying certain scenes over and over again in you mind. At some point in you forget that you are your own person, and begin to emulate every aspect or at least some small part of the film. Sometime this is done in hopes that you will be able to achieve the outcome, such as one in the film. However this is not always the case. However say that to say this. Some films have such a strong impact on the watcher that it no longer is a film and become a sacred work of some sort.

One such film is 'She Hate Me', a film by often militant, but critically acclaimed director Spike Lee. A director that never passes on the opportunity to share his view on the current status of our generation. Often tapping in the the past and the future as a backdrop to his point.

A few years ago Spike did 'She Hate Me', a film that earned much attention in terms of true movie goes, but thinned out to the masses. A film that deserves a second glance, if not a permanent replay in ones home.

So what I am going to do for you today is drop in you a missing scene and a few clips in hopes that you will find yourself deep in its essence.


She Hate Me Lesbian Scene

Deleted scene With Monica Ballucci