Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Movies to reconsider ::: Failing is not an option

I usually plop onto the computer one of my favorite films. However this time around I would like to share with you some films that share a common thread. The linking characteristics of the films we all share in the world no matter that activity, the circumstance, or goal. When we are placed in a position to achieve we must or face utter shame, isolation, and a host of other post event symptoms.

So to begin my trip towards achievement. I want all these perspectives to grab you and pull you into the universal world of circumstance not only giving these films more recognition or to slip back into popularity but for you to watch these films with purpose. With that intention of not taking no for an answer.

Here is a film with gumption that can not denied an entry into the Enterpolics Hall of Fame. Starring Demi Moore, Viggo Mortensen, and Morris Chesnut. The film is a break down of the male genders fear of the female potential into the armed forces, and mainly the entry into one of its highly elite teams, the navy seals.

I saw this film in the movies almost 11 years ago, and to this day I remain a huge fan of its message. A strong balance of guns versus will. When you are up against the odds and it seems best to quit and all those around you tell you that you can not make it. Your will must kick in in order for you to achieve the goals that you see fit for you life, to attain the end result for you life that fits directly into the future in which you always knew would be, if you just worked hard for it.

In the film Demi Moore's character is told time after time that she will not make it. That this is not built for her and that women can not be Navy Seals. Those closes to her, such as her significant other is not too sure and comes across as unsupportive and suggest that she should not follow through. Even with that in mind she continuedc on, also with the women in high power postions in congress unwilling to bend the presidence set by man, she still goes on.

If you are female this film with touch home becasue of the limits that were placed upon you by your sex. Those limits are based on many factors, however the ones that are illusions to name a few, are incappable, not strong enough, cant hang with the guys, mental fortitude is no applicable, and the list goes on.

Gi I jane will break the anti achievment cycle that you carry within, therefore breakin down those walls of oppression and denial. Giving anyone of has ever been restricted and forced in the opposite direction of opportunity teh stregnth to find and user the tools needed to make it to the top. Anyone who has been held back based on their differences will relate and want to aspire to achieve that which belongs to them. This film is a stepping block to that courage. Because that which is, is in their hearts.

GI Jane in 10 Minutes.

Although this clip is a ten minute summary, I hope that you go out to see the film to feel the full impact of such a journey.