Education... has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.
G. M. TrevelyanEnglish Social History (1942)
British historian (1876 - 1962)

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Why the title Puff Puff Pass?

What I see here is a case of B-movie-logic, and a marketing team that did not believe in the movie enough to name it better than this. Aiming for the college slacker or high school drop-out is something that they've accomplished. Which I am sure was the aim.

Now you must be asking yourself then why did you see the movie Kem? I wanted such a film to watch. I needed something that looked so dumb that it contained nothing realistic about life in any way. I needed the slacker movie. A long week of toiling through paperwork and briefs, at some point in time you need to take a look back and call it a day, and enjoy your weekend.

Puff Puff Pass allowed me to do that. So my only beef with this film is that I think that is should have been named Slackers and smoke, it would have been better than Puff Puff Pass.

I would like to give a thanks to Mekhi Phifer for this production and directorial effort. Mekhi Phifer is better known for his is role as Dr. Gregory Pratt, on televisions ER. With this production credit under his belt along with two other movies 'This Christmas', and 'Noras Hair Salon 2'. I think that bad names seems to only come once. So we may be on the right track. However if you take a look at IMDB, the marketing geared towards the US assumes our slacker generation dumber than that of the UK. Over in the UK they have the name ' Living High', which sound like a far better title. It even adds an element that will will peak your curiosity. So my questons remains. Why The Title? Which should be, why this title in the US.

*Also when you see the movie, also take note as to the other misleading elements on the cover that did not take place in this film.

** This will be a classic antic filled film for sure.

Before you answer any of my questions, enjoy these clips. I think Terry Crews is the funniest and has a long career ahead of him.

Terry Crews - Puff Puff Pass 01

Terry Crews - Puff Puff Pass 02

Terry Crews - Puff Puff Pass 03

Terry Crews - Puff Puff Pass 04